As a tertiary care headache center, two of our goals here at New England Institute for Neurology and Headache are to decrease the number and severity of you headaches, and to empower you by giving you the tools to effectively treat your headaches at home or work. But sometimes life doesn’t work out as we intend, and occasionally you may be faced with a pounding, nauseating whopper of a headache that doesn’t respond – no matter what you throw at it.
That’s where the Drop-in Headache Center comes in.
Any headache sufferer, whether a patient in this practice or not, is welcome to drop by during business hours, unannounced, for emergency room type headache therapy without the noise, bright lights and long wait of a hospital.
Drop-in Headache patients are immediately escorted into a dark, quiet infusion suite. We start an I.V. and get fluids running, since most severe headaches are associated with dehydration. We then use specific anti-migraine injectable medications, tailored to you and your specific headache. We’ve also been known to use massage, physical therapy, nerve blocks and nerve stimulation, depending on the particular situation. In data we published some years ago, the success rate for our Drop-in Headache patients was over 94%, and overall satisfaction was through the roof.
The Drop-in Headache Center at NEINH: one more integrated, holistic, cutting-edge service for our patients, and something we think makes us stand out from the crowd.