
5 Signs of a Concussion You Should Know 

May 21, 2024
When experiencing a concussion, you might think the telltale signs are obvious. That, however, isn’t always the case. Learn five signs that can help you to determine the evidence of a concussion.

Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury that can happen for various reasons, ranging from sports to car accidents. Although some concussions are obvious, others may not manifest symptoms immediately, making them potentially dangerous if left untreated. 

Here at New England Institute for Neurology and Headache, our expert team diagnoses and treats concussions. We understand the importance of recognizing the signs of a concussion early on, knowing that timely intervention can prevent further complications. 

Here are five signs of which you should be aware:

1. Headaches and dizziness

One of the most common symptoms of a concussion is a persistent headache. This headache may vary in intensity and can worsen when participating in physical activity or exerting yourself mentally.

A concussion can also cause you to experience feelings of dizziness or vertigo, which can significantly impact your balance and coordination.

2. Nausea and vomiting

Concussions can also trigger feelings of nausea and may lead to vomiting in some cases. These symptoms can occur immediately following your injury or may develop over time. 

Be sure to monitor any persistent feelings of nausea, as they can indicate underlying issues related to your brain function.

3. Cognitive impairment

Cognitive changes are a hallmark sign of a concussion. They can cause you to have difficulty with concentration, memory, and clear-mindedness. You may find it challenging to focus on tasks or process information as quickly as you once did. 

In some cases, you may also exhibit changes in your mood or behavior, such as increased irritability or sadness.

4.Sensitivity to light and sound

Sensory sensitivity is another common symptom of a concussion. You may become more sensitive to light (photophobia) or sound (phonophobia), which can exacerbate headaches and overall discomfort. 

Being in bright environments or noisy settings may worsen these symptoms and can prolong your recovery process if not managed appropriately.

5. Sleep disturbances

Pay attention to your sleep patterns following a concussion. You may experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, while others may sleep more than usual. 

Disrupted sleep can further exacerbate other symptoms of a concussion and slow down or stop the healing process. You need to prioritize adequate rest and seek our medical advice if your sleep disturbances persist.

If you suspect that you or one of your loved ones has sustained a concussion, call our office right away. We can provide an accurate diagnosis, administer the prompt medical attention needed, and give guidance on how to implement appropriate management strategies. 

Concussions are serious injuries that require careful monitoring and management to prevent long-term complications. By being aware of these common signs, you can play a proactive role in safeguarding your health or the health of your loved ones in the event of a concussion.

Reach out to our Stamford, Connecticut, office today or book online now to learn more about concussions or to receive a comprehensive evaluation.